This Week’s Treasure: Turquoise

This week we are talking about the ever-popular turquoise!  Turquoise is an amazing stone and has been well-loved for thousands of years, in many different parts of the world.

Known as the oldest gemstone in human history, it has been abundantly popular in Native American jewelry, particularly in Navajo pieces.  It is popular not only for its rich color but also for its hardness and durability, once it has aged properly.  It is known as a stone that will stand the test of time, which is why we love it so much.  We are interested in things that last and that have a lasting impression.

Turquoise was a popular stone to work with in many Native American tribes as its color was often seen as a symbol of luck or health.  Turquoise varies in color and natural striation, depending on where it was mined and it can be very very light, like robin’s egg or sky blue, or very dark; almost teal.

It’s a gorgeous stone and we love working with it.  We’re especially excited about making new pieces with it while December approaches because it is one of the modern birthstone gems for the month.  If you love it as much as we do, or are looking for a simple beautiful gift, check these out:

(the second one is pictured above^^ it is a vintage Navajo piece and is stunning)

As always, thanks for reading and sharing and have a beautiful week! ❤

Message us with any questions or lovely conversation!

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